Hola Todos,
Hey guys, how are you all? Well, it is Friday night and almost midnight here in Santiago so I am not going to make this a long blog post. I just wanted to share with you guys that today during the Closing Ceremony of our program I won 1st place in the Photo Contest!!! About a week ago a person from the "English Opens Doors" office sent out an email to all of the volunteers asking them to submit up to two photos for a contest. The "carrot" to get everyone to participate was that the winners would receive a free dinner in Santiago during the closing ceremony. Anyways, one of the two photos I submitted won (the photo above)!! I can't really claim the idea for the photo as my own because really it was Anna's idea. One day she came home and told me that to help her students learn the "partes del cuerpo" or parts of the body she had them tape cards with the vocab. on a volunteer student's body. Well, I thought that was an awesome idea and did the same with my Basica students. During one of these lessons on the parts of the body I took a picture and it turns out it was a good one because we won dinner for 4 at a restaurante called "Las Vacas Gordas" or "The Fat Cows". Anna and I took out the other 3 8-month volunteers to eat some yummy steak, potatoes, etc. The whole thing was just another blessing from God because it allowed us 8 monthers to get together one more time before we go on to return home or travel. It is hard to say good bye to a group of awesome guys whom we have bonded with, but the dinner tonight gave the "closure" we were all looking for. We will continue to try and stay in touch. It was an awesome night and a great way to end the program!
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