Jason and I decided to carve pumpkins. Today. Yep, a day before Halloween. Oh well. At least we don't have to worry about the pumpkins rotting before Halloween comes. We ventured on over to the nearby pumpkin patch and it turns out that a decent size pumpkin is $10. Um. yeah. I probably would have considered it except for the fact that I had just been at Trader Joe's where they are selling the same size pumpkins for $2.99. So...off to Trader Joe's we went. We first picked out our two lovely pumpkins and prepared what we needed to carve them.

Then I considered just leaving my pumpkin like this. It looks rather hard core and brutal...

After that I decided that maybe I'd actually carve it instead of brutally stabbing it...so we started to cut the top off.

Next we scrapped and got all the guts out...

Once we were done with that we picked our design and carved away (which we have no pictures of that process). Then we proudly displayed our works of art...

Finally we stuck candles in them and watched them glow.
Yay. I love Jason's! It's the classic Jack 'O' Lantern look. :)

Once that was all done I went inside and roasted the pumpkin seeds that we saved from the pumpkins. I little bit of vegetable oil sprinkled on them with some salt at 300 degrees for 45 minutes. Yum.

As you can tell they were good...being
Jas couldn't even wait for me to take the picture before he stuck his hand in the bowl :)

At the end of it all I made a pumpkin cake. In a
bundt pan. Because I thought that it kinda looked like half a pumpkin...with a hole in it. Anyways, the cake was not made with the pumpkin guts. It was made from a can. My mom made both types of pumpkin pies once (one from a pumpkin and one from the can). They both tasted the same and yet the one from the pumpkin was 3
x's the work.

In other news. I thought that I would show you this fall season's bounty from my garden. Take a good long look...

Yep. That's it. One radish plant. And it was a tasty radish plant. You see, I actually planted lettuce, radishes, carrots, and Brussels Sprouts. Because we aren't rolling in the dough I bought seeds which wound up being a whopping $5. It turns out though that I don't really like to water plants. Especially ones that I can't see. Like little seeds that will apparently and eventually turn into actual plants. But, some how this one little radish plant made it. I have no clue how but it did. The funny part is that now that it has rained...I have all of my seeds sprouting out there. Hopefully they will make it before the frost comes. I think come spring I will break down and by the actual plants rather than the seeds. I'll probably be better about watering it if I know that it cost me more than $5. :)