Well, Monday I gave Jason back to the university system. :) He had 5 WEEKS off for winter break and it has been mighty nice. I know he has been bored off and on but it has been wonderful having his company on the weekends, his help with cleaning and dishes on the weekdays, and just having overall fun with no homework and studying worries to distract us.
He started the beginning of what will be his second semester....putting him about half way through. Cool stuff.
Anyways, this weekend we had some fun and played tourist! Here are some pics!

We went to Cafe Trieste which is apparently the first cafe that served espresso on the west coast. It kind of looked like it too, haha. A little old and crusty but it was in the Italian district which was cool. It was an experience for sure but I think I'm still partial to Blue Bottle. Their espresso is a bit more smooth. Anyways, it was fun either way. I always love experiencing a new cafe.

Just up the way from Cafe Trieste is Coit tower. We couldn't go up to the top because it was being renovated but there are lots of pretty views and about 50 parrots flying in the tree tops.

After all our walking we were a little fatigued and decided that we were in need of some nutrition...or baked goods. This bakery had caught Jason's eye before and so we stopped in to grab a little morsel.

Aren't these yummy looking? Oh but wait. There was one that was BEYOND what my wildest dreams could imagine in a pastry...

Laaaaa! (Church organs playing). Take a look at this beauty. So, let me describe it. It's a flaky pastry dough with a vanilla honey cream. They candied the top a little bit so that you have the perfect textural combo of the soft pastry and silky cream with the crunch of the top. Seriously. I think I can now go to Heaven. Especially if they have more of these things there. The only bummer was that Jason picked it and not I so I was not able to inhale it all by myself. Next time. I enjoyed a pecan sticky bun which was also pretty yummy.

On Sunday after church we went walking...again. Jason has been wanting to show me the cathedral at UCSF. It was very pretty. I really love cathedrals.

Finally I have yet to see the famous "Full House" houses at Alamo Park and so we took a stroll and checked them out. Below that picture is beautiful intricately painted house that really reminds me of San Francisco architecture...at least the old houses that have survived.

And this concludes Jason and I's latest tour around San Francisco. The weather has been AMAZING. So...it may be a while before it's like this again. Glad we were able to get it in when we could!