Saturday, April 25, 2009
I´m Alive! AND...Happy Birthday Jason!!!
Friday, April 24, 2009

I just have a little time to post before I go home so I will have to make this post brief. I thought you guys might be interested to see who the other volunteers are in our area. Starting from the left is Anna, me, then Nick (from Texas), Joe (from South California), and lastly Zack (from Oregon). Nick, Joe, and Zack are really great guys and we have all gotten along very well. While we were in Santiago for our training I kept telling Anna how nice everyone was and how much we had in common. All of the volunteers are not like a lot of the students I studied abroad with. When I was in Italy and Spain everyone was interested in different things, often times that being going out and drinking. Many were culturally sensative and tried to integrate, but there were also a lot that were in the program for just a good time. The volunteers in the program for sure party (those who are not believers), but they all are interested in cultures and helping other people. Anyways, the Nick, Joe, and Zach have been great and we do get together from time to time. Nick is teaching here in Copiapó, but Joe and Zack are about an hour away in a little coastal town called Caldera. So, it is a little harder to see them. Anna and I have not gone to Caldera yet because we are running out of money and are waiting to receive our stipend.
Well, sorry to have to go but I will try to get Anna to post tomorrow with some more pics and her take on all that is going on! Ok, chao,
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
When if Rome.....

Monday, April 20, 2009
You don´t gain anything without a little sacrifice...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Más Fotos!

Well, the last couple of days I have had access to the internet here at my school so I´ve finally been able to post some pictures. If you haven´t looked at the pictures of Anna´s and my house and of Copiapó from the last blog post, check them out!! Anyways, here are some pictures of a beach town near Copiapó. It´s name is Barranquilla.
Anna and I were invited by an older couple that befriended us. Their names are Juan Carlos and Rosa. They live here in Copiapó, but they have a little beach house in Baranquilla and needed to go their for some election (i think, not exactly sure!). So, they asked us if we wanted to come along and see Barranquilla. The drive out their goes through baren dessert (in the background of the photo of Anna) which in a weird way is beutiful. I know we think of a beutiful landscape as full of green trees, grass, etc. but the desert is actually pretty (think Lawrence of Arabia). Anyways, once we got their we went down to the beach to look around and then afterwards we had lunch with Juan Carlos and Rosa. The lunch was delicious! We had rice with sea food mixed in and a salad with fresh goat cheese, tomatoes, and avocados.
Afterwards they took us to another beach town called Puerto Viejo. The beach was even longer there, but the main reason we went was to look at a place where a meteor fell back in the 1920´s. It was pretty incredible to see because there is a decent sized hole and all around it the sand has been cooked into rock. Let´s see if I can upload a pic of it....
Ok, the picture on the left is Anna standing at the crater hole and the pic on the right is of me looking over the edge of the cliff made out of cooked sand. The whole area was pretty cool and Anna and I had a great time. After visiting both beach towns Juan Carlos and Rosa took us to their house to have some tea, snacks, and meet their two boys who are going to the university here. They were all very nice to us and were very hospitable.
Well, I hope you guys have enjoyed the pics! I won´t be able to post tomorrow because the teachers are all going on strike over unfair wages! Yeah, they strike a lot here in South America! Ok, well until later.....
Chao (as they say here for good bye, not CIAO like in Italy),
Jason (and Anna)
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Finally, PICTURES!!!

This is my Easter basket from Anna that she gave me first thing in the morning. She nocked on the front door and made me get my Easter basket....back to being a little kid again :). Our baskets were pretty ghetto since we didn´t have much money and there were not Easter baskets in stores to buy. Anna made mine out of the bottom of a plastic water bottle, the handle is toilet paper, and a colored plastic bag makes the grass. Pretty neat, huh? Mine was even worse so I will save that for later.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Tenemos una casa...o mejor dicho una casita :-)
Hey friends and family!! This is Jason! In my broken spanish the title I was going for is ¨We have a home!...or better said a cottage-little home!!¨ We had to run around the city the first day we got here, which was a Sunday, but we had very little luck since everything is practically closed. We were able to get a house on Monday through an agency. We probably got the ¨gringo¨deal, but it is a nice little old house inbetween where Anna and I will be teaching.
Our first night in our new home was quite the adventure! We didn´t sign the contract until around 7:30 pm or so and didn´t get to our house until around 8 pm. We hadn´t eaten dinner yet and so the couple from the agency took us to the supermarket to get some food from the deli. They bought us some plastic ware to eat with because we didn´t have any silverware or plates yet!! So, Ann and I had a little picnic upstairs in our bedroom while we waited for the cleaning agency to finish up (everyone works later and stays up later in Chile, so moving in at this hour is not a strange thing I guess).
Well, once everyone left Anna and I began to put our things away. I plugged in a lamp to give us some more light and just after I did from the outlet there was a big POP! and the outlet shorted and tripped the breaker. Well, luckily we brought a little flashlight, but try as we might we couldn´t find the breaker box!!! Also, the gas wasn´t hooked up so we didn´t have any hot water, so when I took an ARCTIC COLD shower I had to use the little flashlight to see!! :) ha ha. Oh yeah, and the agency couple took our blankets to clean so we didn´t have any bedding except sheets!!! So we bundled up and had a cold nights sleep!!
Anyways, all is well and God has taken care of us! We have a neat story to tell next time we have time to post!!!! Ok, love you all and talk to you all soon. Pics to come...
Jason and Anna