I just have a little time to post before I go home so I will have to make this post brief. I thought you guys might be interested to see who the other volunteers are in our area. Starting from the left is Anna, me, then Nick (from Texas), Joe (from South California), and lastly Zack (from Oregon). Nick, Joe, and Zack are really great guys and we have all gotten along very well. While we were in Santiago for our training I kept telling Anna how nice everyone was and how much we had in common. All of the volunteers are not like a lot of the students I studied abroad with. When I was in Italy and Spain everyone was interested in different things, often times that being going out and drinking. Many were culturally sensative and tried to integrate, but there were also a lot that were in the program for just a good time. The volunteers in the program for sure party (those who are not believers), but they all are interested in cultures and helping other people. Anyways, the Nick, Joe, and Zach have been great and we do get together from time to time. Nick is teaching here in Copiapó, but Joe and Zack are about an hour away in a little coastal town called Caldera. So, it is a little harder to see them. Anna and I have not gone to Caldera yet because we are running out of money and are waiting to receive our stipend.
Well, sorry to have to go but I will try to get Anna to post tomorrow with some more pics and her take on all that is going on! Ok, chao,
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