Hi Friends and Family!
Well, as promised I have finally posted pictures of our house and city!!! As you can see we live in a humble little house, but we call it ´Home´:). It took some getting used to in the beginning, but we are finally used to the freezing cold nights, the lack of running water or electricity, etc. I keep telling Anna that it is a ´fixer upper´and just needs a little TLC.

JUST KIDDING!!!!! Actually, this is the house that we live in here in Copiapó. It is a WHOLE lot nicer than that other house (that was just a run down abandoned house I took a pic of to fool all of you guys). It definately is a step down from what we are used to in California, but it is a nice house and is fully furnished. Anna and I like the area that we live in because we are both close to our schools (walking distance) and to a grocery store called Deca. I forgot to take pictures of the inside so I will try to do that soon so you guys won´t think we are slummin´it.

Here is a picture of Copiapó from Cerro de la Cruz. Anna and I walked to the hill from our house and then hiked to the top on Easter. The view is amazing with all of the dry rippling brown hills in the distance with the contrasting green of the trees and colorful houses.
Anna and I definately missed you guys on Easter and going to Grace Church for the Friday and Sunday service. But, never fear the Easter Bunny did visit us here in Copiapó!!! I think he only speaks spanish here though.....:)

This is my Easter basket from Anna that she gave me first thing in the morning. She nocked on the front door and made me get my Easter basket....back to being a little kid again :). Our baskets were pretty ghetto since we didn´t have much money and there were not Easter baskets in stores to buy. Anna made mine out of the bottom of a plastic water bottle, the handle is toilet paper, and a colored plastic bag makes the grass. Pretty neat, huh? Mine was even worse so I will save that for later.
Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed a little peak into Anna´s and my world here in Chile. Please keep praying that we find a church, do well teaching, and overall are a light here in our schools and community. Thanks!!!!
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