Monday, March 16, 2009

Some Thoughts...

I can't believe that we leave...God 2 days. It just blows my mind. I think I keep saying "God willing" (even though it seems certain to every one that we are leaving) because it's just so surreal. I feel like it's not ACTUALLY going to happen. I don't know. I for one have never lived in another country and so the concept is very...foreign (no pun intended!) :-) There are a lot of unknowns that's for sure. I am constantly giving my thoughts and worries to the Lord. I'm not a worrier either...but here I am...worrying. A lot of it is in regard to different things that could go wrong. Like...what if our partner teacher is awful, what if I don't pick up the language, what if we don't find a church...what if the oven starts baking a bun before it's supposed to (haha, did you catch that?). You know, just worries.

On the flip side I'm excited. Excited to travel, start something new, be stretched, have Jason and I's (is that proper English? maybe me and Jason's...not sure. "I's" looks weird) marriage stretched, see the Lord's hand, meet new people. You know...all the things that go with new experiences. I just need to continually pray and give it to the Lord. Isn't every day a surrender of your own expectations and hopes? Isn't it just a minute by minute battle? That's what I feel like. Peace, anxiety, peace, anxiety, peace, anxiety. Those are my emotions right now. Can't put your guard down for a second huh? Those lies that God won't be faithful just seep into the mind. Anyways, so that's where I'm at now! :-) hehe.

On a lighter note...I cut my hair. It feels wonderful. My ponytail is so tiny! Love the fact that it takes me three minutes to do my hair. Yay for that! It literally took my at least 10 minutes just to get the brush through all of my hair...only for it to knot up again. I don't even have to brush my hair now. I just run my fingers through it. Very nice! I think I will keep the hair short for a little while (granted this is short for me...though other's would say it's medium length). Anyways, hope all is well with everyone and I think that the next post will in fact be from south of the equator. When I write you next I will be just starting winter (boo hoo hoo). I'm a little sad. I love the heat and it was finally a warm day today. Hmmm. Oh well. :-)


  1. "me" is correct, sweetie-:D God's blessings and our prayers are with both of you! Since we are in Paul and Jennifer's growth group we will get info as soon as you send it to them!!

  2. So excited for you guys! Continue to cast all your cares on Him, and He will always provide. And don't stress about that bun being in the oven before you're ready...bc fails are rare! (Just don't count on it if you ever have to be on an antibiotic) Also, in answer to your question, our news was NOT a bc fail - so rest easy!

  3. They've invented birth control by now, ha ha. Why don't you just get on the pill? I can't imagine having to worry about a pregnancy when you've been married for all of one month and are now moving to a foreign country?! Soooo stressful!
