Ok, so the strike continues. *Sigh*. To soothe our bored souls we are going traveling...please take a moment cry with us, we are feeling very sad and distraught over this new turn of events.... SIKE! Wow, sike is very junior high. Nobody really says that anymore! haha. Anyways, yes, we are leaving our little town and exploring a new part of Chile. There are a few options and we are trying to pick the one with the biggest bang for your buck, or shall I say peso? It IS lame to not teach, I feel like I´ve lost my groove and am a little nervous to go back as silly as that sounds. At the same time, if you know Jas and I...you know we love to travel so...talk to you all when we get back!!!!
Oh, and the next post will have pictures of our trip and also the AWESOME pics of some of our teachers who work along side us getting water cannonned by the military police becuase they were protesting and blocking the roads. My school was hard core! They took it well...Jason´s school though...they were a bit wimpy. Most of them ran. haha...I LOVE Chile! No worries, the water cannon wasn´t very powerful...it just got them really really wet, really quickly!!! Here though are some pics of my school (Anna´s), and the inside of our house (which are probably boring to everyone but our parents)!!! :-)

This is the front of my little school. It´s a bit smaller and more humble then Jason´s school but I like it none the less.

This is the picture of the court yard of my school...and YES, that is a stray dog. They just roam wherever they want.

Another picture of the courtyard...just a downstairs view.

This is one of my students. It was an exercise about parts of the body in English. I handed out the English words and they had to place them on my "dummy". He was a good sport though...especially when they put the "hair" one on to his head with the tape!

On to our house...this is our bedroom with our AWESOME decore! I think I will miss that fan a lot when I come home. :-)

This is our spare bedroom that has become the supplies room. The program gave us a TON of stuff for teaching and so that is where we keep it all...Don´t worry Bryce. It can be easily moved for when you come! haha.

The bedrooms are upstairs and this is our lovely staircase that is in fact as steep as it looks. I think they may have different safety codes here. It´s fun to go downstairs when half awake to use the bathroom in the middle of the night. haha. We take it slow though.
Our messy living room/dining room area. Lots of red...they like bright colors here!

Another angle...and me eating an apple I believe. I didn´t know the picture was being taken.

Our itsy bitsy kitchen...but it serves it´s purpose well. That´s our little electric water kettle which heats water in like 2 min. It´s so cool!

This is our calfon. This heats our water...it sort of works. The calfon is attached to this...

Our lovely gas tank. It has to be changed out every month or so. These guys drive around with them in the back of their truck and they ring a bell as they drive through your neighborhood. It´s so you can hear them and know that they are there if you need to buy another one. Very different...but cool! Ok, that´s all. Hope you enjoyed it all!

Oh yeah! And this is what shopping looks like in Chile. Apparently thay have a big shoplifting problem. Hmmm. I think so! Sheesh. They were cheap sweatpants too...not even anything expensive. Kind of funny.