So the picture above are some boats. Caldera is a little fishing town and has a nice big natural port. The water is so calm it´s amazing. It was a little overcast at first but cleared up later on. Two volunteers are placed in Caldera and one of their host-dad´s owns a big fishing boat. Jason is hoping to go with him sometime!
The two pictures above are a little museum that we went to. There is a fossil museum located inside an old train station. It´s the first train station is Chile. It was actually built by an American...though I can´t remember his name. There were HUGE shark teeth at the museum. They are from that huge pre-historic shark...I can´t remeber the name of it though.
This little statue guy was brought over from Easter Island. He is pointing straight out to the island. Easter Island is directly across from Caldera. We thought it was cool so we took a picture in front of it!!!
So, the whole weekend consisted of food...to our delight...and to our demise. The picture above is Anita and her daughter. They were our "food makers". It´s a strange story but basically Anita was long time friends with Myrna. Anita´s husband died of a sudden heart attack at 35. Anita didn´t have any skills to get a real job and so someone asked Myrna to hire her as her house keeper/cook. Myrna said "no" becuase they were friends and it would put them in a weird position. Apparently though Anita wouldn´t have the money for even food if she didn´t get hired so Myrna did it. They are still the best of buds though. Anita has been working for them for years. Her cooking was....AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! They are preparing the BEST empanadas EVER above and the one below is them frying and then the one below THAT is Jason and Nelson enjoying the fruit of the labor!
So, the picture below is this little chapel built completely by hand by "Padre Negro". Yes, he was black and that´s what they call him. You can tell there were zero tools involved in the construction but it´s cool none the less. The picture below the chapel is me in front of it!
The picture below this is the plaza of Caldera and the cathedral. We went inside but don´t have any pictures of that.
More food!!!! Every lunch (lunch is the big meal here) consisited of appetizers, a main meal, salad, and then an INCREDIBLE desert. I just can´t tell you how good it all was. The is the spread of appetizers alone.
So, the food was great but boy did I pay for it. We ate so much that I am just now feeling like my body is back to normal. Ugh. It was so yummy but I will never eat that much food again. My stomach pooched like nothing I´ve ever seen. haha. There´s not much room for it to go anywhere so I guess it went out. haha.

I love catching up with you here. The pictures are so cool. Glad you got to have a weekend of fun with some very cool looking grandparent-types. And YAY for your visas. Yes, the time will fly by fast, but boy, you are going to have so many stories to tell (most of them will be here I'm sure). Thanks for sharing your "aventuras". Love you guys.
ReplyDeleteanna! i love your adventures. i am so stoked for you guys. thanks for your prayers!!!! i really appreciate them. you have a LLD job when you get home. want it? business is CRAZY!