Wednesday, May 13, 2009

School Rules!

Hi Everyone!
Well, it has been awhile since Anna or I have posted anything. We have been very busy with preparing for our classes, teaching, and trying to get our Visa. Last week it took three tries before we finally got our Visa and each time we went we missed class! We were supposed to get our Visa in Santiago during the first week of orientation, but that didn't work out so we have had to get our Visa here in Copiapo. Anyways, I just wanted to show you all some pictures of my school and some of my students. The first picture is actually the back side of my school which is a High School. It's name is Liceo de Musica, which means High School of Music, and they put a lot of emphasis on playing an instrument. You all would be amazed at the talent many of these students have...I keep thinking of Pastor Al and how he would be in heaven with all these musicians! It is kind of funny that I, a person with very little musical talent, is placed at a High School who puts so much focus on Music! :). Anna should be here because she played the Viola and she plays the Guitar. Oh well.
The third picture is of my 2B class (Sophmore level). I think that I enjoy the Freshmen and Sophmores the most, but really I have enjoyed all of my students. They are all very funny and it has been a lot of fun getting to know them. I still do not know all of their names, but with several hundred students I don't know if I will ever get to know all of their names! I am trying and as you can see in the 3rd photo I had them make name cards so I can call on them by name and hopefully memmorize their names. The last picture is of my co-teacher Lorena teaching a class. The model of teaching that we go by is for me to Team teach with Lorena the first part of class (45 min) and then we switch for the last part of class (another 45 min.). So far this has worked out well and is not so overwhelming as if I took one half of the class each period.
Well, I need to do some planning now but I hope to post pictures of Anna's school soon! Oh, and I havn't forgotten that I need to post some pics of the inside of our house. Not sure if anyone is interested, but I know that Anna's and my parents probably would like to see so I will try to get that posted soon. Ok, well we miss you all and will talk to you all later!

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