Here are some more photos from Anna´s and my trip to La Serena a week ago. The highlight of that trip was taking a very SLOW public bus up the Elquí Valley which is famous for its beautiful views, grapevines, and pisco (hard alcohol made from grapes). The bus ride was actually a lot of fun because it was with all of the locals instead of tourists and it went slow so we got to see a lot of the valley up close. So, here are some pictures from that day trip, mainly of the pueblo Pisco Elquí and surrounding area.
This photo is of the main plaza in Pisco Elquí where we first got dropped off. The church was very quaint looking and a good place to start snapping photos.
Yours truly posing with a sign on a random street in Pisco Elquí. Anna and I always seem to walk EVERYWHERE when we get to a new place. Partly we do it to get to know the area and partly to see how locals live (not just the tourist locations).
My lovely wifey. Here we are walking down a dirt road that was sprayed with water so the dust didn´t get kicked up into the air by cars. Nice and muddy!
The views were incredible and like always the photos just don´t look as good as the real thing. I am sure it can get only prettier when the grapevines still have all of their leaves.

hey anna and jason! ive been loving the updates from you guys! your mcflurry adventure made me miss the mcflurries in romania...i had the same experience...they are SO much better in other countries (mine has bits of crunchy malt balls and nesquick chocolate mixed into the vanilla...YUM!) hope all is well! praying for you guys! =)