Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Cravings and weight gain...
-sour cream
-Starbucks peppermint mochas
-cheddar cheese
-Chile Peppers burritos
-Old Country Deli ribs
-Custom House fish and chips
-Bali´s frozen yogurt
-Gus´s veggie sandwich (not a vegiterian but love THAT sandwich)
-Woodstocks pizza (though I now make homemade pizza which is not too bad at all. I also found a great recipe that´s easy for homemade flour tortillas...SO much cheaper! This has helped to curb the Mexican food desire)
-Jamba Juice
-Novo´s...pretty much anything from there though currently the calamari sounds amazing!
-Good chinese food
-Sushi (Jason doesn´t share this desire, haha)
-Brown sugar (doesn´t exist here and so makes a good batch of cookies a little difficult. Just not the same without it.)
Anyways, that´s the short list. haha. I also have a lot of craving to DO things to. Like run a new route...where there are actually trees, go clothes shopping, go to Target, the beach, hike, ride my bike around town, sit in a coffee shop and read...and on, and on. I´m a little interested to see how the clothes shopping will go. haha. I´m thinking that maybe, just maybe I´m a solid size one now! haha. So, before we left I couldn´t wear a size 0 at Old Navy, Gap, and places like that. It was too big. I had to by designer jeans (that I found at Ross for like $20) becuase everything was too big. Anyways, so a VERY high carb diet and little exercise (at least at first) made me put on a little bit of weight. I used to think that I was totally immune to gaining weight becuase I ate whatever the heck I wanted at home. Really, I think I just underestimated how active I was and how many calories I probably burned a day. Anyways, at about month 4 my pants were feeling a bit snug. haha. So, I quit INHALING the bread and tried to not eat QUITE so much manjar (dulce de leche). The pants fit better now. I stepped on a scale at a random school a couple of days ago out of pure curiosity and it said 53 kilos. 116 lbs...that´s a good 6 or 7 lbs. heavier at THIS point. Who knows what I was a couple of months ago. Nice! So, currently, I actually FILL my pants. I´m sure once I go home I will go back to normal.
Anyways, so there´s my wieght status becuase I´m sure you ALL were dying to know. It will be interesting to see everyone else at the end of the year. Apprently there is a 5 kilo average that everyone gains...which is about 11 pounds! People in Chile just live a much more sedintary life. No me gusta!
Also...tomorrow is October and my last day of teaching is in Nov. ahhhhhhhh. Crazy, crazy stuff!
Friday, September 25, 2009
A BBQ and a Jungle Gym
I hope you enjoyed the pictures from the Fiestas Patrias. Now, for you viewing pleasure I have some pictures of a Chilean BBQ or "Parilla" and our new "Jungle Gym". First, I included some pics of me starting our BBQ. Why would that be interesting you ask? Well, for me the Chilean "Parilla" is interesting not only because it looks different, but because you start it differently too.
The Grill is literally a half of a barrel without a top or cover. The charcol here in Chile is the natural kind which is harder to start because it doesn´t have all that extra stuff included (lighter fluid, etc.). The first couple times I tried to light the BBQ were...well TERRIBLE!! I was so frustrated because no matter how much newspaper I used I just couldn´t get the darn thing to light. I decided to ask a Chilean friend who taught me the following method.

One by one you layer the bottle in rings of newspaper.

I have yet to not get the BBQ started since I learned this method.
Now for the "Jungle Gym"

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Fiestas Patrias
How are you all? Welp, here are some photos from last Wednesday of my school´s celebration of Chile´s Independence Day (the 18th of September). The whole day was a huge celebration, starting with an "Acto" or presentation in the morning on the soccer field with lots of dancing. Kids from each grade had to do a dance from each region of Chile. My co-teacher´s home room, 6th grade A, did a dance from Easter Island. The poor girls looked freezing in their grass skirts, but they did a good job. Other classes did dances representing the south of Chile (they were dressed as fishermen), another danced Cueca dressed as Huasos (cowboys), etc. Afterwards the High School kids had booths around the school where they sold traditional Chilean food. And THEN we had a little get together with all of the professors with of course tons of good food. So, here is a little peak into another crazy chilean celebration!
Here I am dressed as a Huaso (chilean cowboy) with some of the kids from my 6ºA class. They LOVED the fact that I came dressed in traditional chilean garb :). They just started clapping and running up to me, telling me I was chilean.

Question of the Day...
"How do people who don´t drink coffee actually LIVE and FuNcTiOn effectively?"
Hmmm. As I sit in the professors room at my school I ponder this question a little more. Currently I would do pretty much anything for either a latte´ from Linnea´s or a grande peppermint mocha from Starbucks. Ugh. Oh coffee...I will return to you soon.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
I don´t Like street Dogs!
I don´t usually use "hate," or like the word "hate" but this time...I think it´s a legitimate and accurate word of description for these yucky animals. blah.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Fiestas Patrias

El Acto
We got to school around 11 am and the first activity was to watch a presentation that the kids gave celebrating their country and its diversity.

La Bandera Chilena
At the end of the presentation these girls came out and formed the Chilean Flag. I thought it was pretty clever :).

And of course there was a lot of Cueca, the National Dance.

Davis is a professor at my school who teaches Violin. He is super nice and really wants to learn English. He has traveled to the U.S. (studied somewhere in the east coast) and lived in many countries. Anyways, we were surprised to see him there, but I guess he was helping out because he has a son who goes there.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
I want a Bike...
Soooo, complete ramblings eh? We aren´t teaching classes this week and so I have some time to jump on the internet. It´s Chile´s Independance Day this week. So...any excuse to not teach and have a party Chile seems to jump on. haha. Love it! So, we are having a ton of activities this week. Fun stuff.
Anyways, in other news...I´m training for a marathon. I´m on like my 4th week on the schedule. Crazy stuff. I have always had "run a marathon" on my list of life goals. I have the time here to dedicate to it and sooooo....I´m a trainin´. If all goes as planned I will run in April the Big Sur Marathon (not sure why I decided on one so hard but...I did.) The marathon is super expensive though and so I can´t pay for it till we get home. If it fills up then I will run a different California one around the same time of year...there are a ton of them. Basically, I run three short runs a week and one long run. My schedule is Mon: 30 minutes, Tues: 45 minutes, Thur: 30 minutes, and Sat is my long run. The bulk of my miles will be added once I get home and can really measure what I´m running (I know the "feel" of up to about 8 miles....from my past running experience so that´s the most I will do here). Also, there is two weeks between the end of the program and when we come home where we will be traveling. I probably won´t run much then. So, yeah. It´s been nice running...although I´ve been running almost the whole time we´ve been here. It´s been nice to run with a purpose though. So, yeah. Thought I´d put it in the public realm. It´s accountability! haha. If I fail than I will be seen as a big weenie! haha. oh well.
Welp, that´s all for now! -Anna
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Costume Partay and Indendence Day...I mean Month


Jason, his old co-teacher (he s doing elementary this semester), some other random teacher, and me. We had so many pictures taken of us that night it was crazy. I think they enjoyed the crazy gringos in their traditional Chilean clothing.

The "woman shot" of the teacher´s. There were some pretty creative costumes.

The "man shot". The cow, interesting. haha. He was definitely the funniest costume.

The tables and room were all decorated. They served us a big, nice dinner.

Why, yes. That IS Jason´s principal. hahahahha. Hey! That´s MY man!!! :)
Oh yes, the FULL effect!!!
And a closer shot!!!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Hi Everyone!
Well, this week has been pretty busy for me but I was able to jump on the computer and FINALLY get a video to upload (i have tried over and over, but the internet connection isn´t real great at my school). Anyways, I hope you enjoy a really short video of Anna blowing out the candles on her cake at her B-day party. Chao!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Feliz Cumpleaños Anna!
How are you guys? Well, here are some pictures from Anna´s "Birthday Weekend!" I must admit, I was a little jelous that she got a whole weekend of activities for her birthday but then she is pretty special. Enjoy!

Well, that was a peek into our weekend. It was a lot of fun but I think that we are still full from all of the food that we ate! I hope you enjoyed the pics!