Ok, so can I just tell you that I have been thinking about "crafting" a lot lately. First off I will say though that I thought I would miss all of our "stuff" at home a lot more than I have. I mean we only have a whole NEW kitchen's worth of stuff waiting for us at home. I missed it at first but have in general become fairly content with living simply (though there have been a few moments of frustration with cooking...seriously, you shouldn't have to do a load of dishes in the MIDDLE of cooking something. Yes, we do have that few of things...and yes, I am tired of cooking everything in a pyrex pie dish, haha) In general though...it hasn't been bad. Lately though I have been thinking about that lovely sewing machine, that new, beautiful sewing machine that my wonderful grandparents gave us as a wedding gift...who am I kidding, they gave ME as a wedding gift! haha. That sewing machine that doesn't have a sticky pedal that likes to randomly ZoooOOOm and ruin what I'm doing (my old one from the 70's had a tendancy to do that at times). Yes, I would love to craft right about now. What kicked this feeling off? A giant homemade blue ribbon that I made. haha. My kids are creating "cities" on a giant piece of poster paper complete with English labels and an English name. hehe. Anyways, there is a competition amongst the classes for the best, most creative one. So, I made giant blue ribbons for the winning posters. It's pretty bomb-digidy. And now I want to go home and be crafty. Well, I don't know that I quite want to go home...but I want to be crafty!
In other news...we are 3 weeks out from being done here in Copiapo. So weird. I am still teaching although Jason isn't as of now. What's a bit exciting is that we are 3 weeks out from TRAVELING! Woohoo! I love the anticipation of going somewhere new! I love how it's almost never the way you imagined it. I love finding those little "jewel" of a places like a great coffee shop, cultural differences, food, and the people. I love it all! Some possible places that we may hit after Copiapo are...(yes, this is for you parents) Pucon (the outdoor adventure capital of Chile), Chiloe, Viña del Mar, and Valparaiso. Hopefully we have the money! hehe. Anyways, that`s all for now. Here are a couple of pics pulled from the web of where we would like to go!

Pucon: A volcano that you can hike up! So beautiful!
Pucon: There is also white water rafting...how awesome!
Pucon: OF COURSE they have mountain biking! Yes Please!

Pucon: Here is a picture of the little mountain town...why yes, it does look NOTHING like what we have seen so far in Chile. It reminds me of Mammoth Mountain really. But, we want to go none the less. This would be by far the most expensive part of our trip so if we don`t have enough money this will probably be cut out first! :)
Now onto Chiloe (I`m super excited for this island!)...
Chiloe is known for it's many churches...so here are a couple.
Chiloe is an island and many houses are built on stilts becuase of the rising tides. It's a sight to see!
Chiloe: Doesn't this picture just make you want to explore and have some great seafood...mmmm. There is also another island nearby that is a penguin refuge and ALSO a super beautiful national park to explore! :) yaya!
Now onto Valparaiso!
Valparaiso is on the coast built on the side of a bunch of cliffs. The building are all different colors and there are miles of windy tiny streets to walk through and explore.
Valparaiso: Some of the hills are so steep that there are these trolly lift things to take you up to the next "level" of the city.
Valparaiso: There are a ton of old victorian houses to see and explore. It´s sard to tell in this pic but the blue house is built literally on the edge of a cliff...crazy stuff.
And now onto Valparaiso´s rich neighbor...Viña del Mar.
Viña: Pretty water. We figure if we run out of money at the end we will just relax and get our tan on on the beaches of Viña. Not a bad way to end our time in Chile :)

And now I´m done. Hope you enjoyed our little preview of some traveling to come!!! :) Also, pray for an end to the strike too if you think about it!!!
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