Hey Guys, how are you? Ok, so I took these pictures when we first arrived, but I don´t think that I ever posted about them like I wanted to. So, today I wanted to show you guys that there does indeed exist a coin that is worse than the penny...the Chilean 1 peso! Not only is it smaller than the penny, but it weighs practically nothing and is worth 0.0018 cents!!!!

Well, I know that I always complain about the penny in the U.S. and how useless it is, but I am now thankful for it. I rarely get pesos because at the supermarkets they ask you if you want to donate a few pesos to the Firefighters or some charity. That way those groups make a little money and they can give even change. A couple times I have said no so that I can bring a few pesos home, but normally Anna and I say yes.
So, hope that was interesting. If not, too bad!! :) No, really for me those kind of things are interesting. I like discovering cultural differences because it is fun to see how others live and it makes one reflect on his-her own culture. For example, now I like that little copper penny :).
Ok, well talk to you all later!!
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