Saturday, May 29, 2010
Summer at Last?
I love a day where you have pretty much lived in a bathing suit. We surfed, kayaked, and now we are going to close out the day by BBQing some cheeseboigahs (my dad always says it that way). Yum oh yum. Jason also brought home a load of fresh veggies from the school garden. Sweet, eh?
Anyways, I haven't blogged in a while so I decided I might as well throw some words up on this pathetic blog. So, I hope everyone enjoyed this weather as much as we did and I am so completely stoked that there's no work on Monday! Yay for 3 day weekends. Woot wooht! Alright, I guess I'm done! :)
Saturday, May 15, 2010
I went to the store in Styyyyyyle!

So, I drove it, I loved it, I'm pretty sure I drooled on it, and for a day I pretended that it was MINE! All mine! I'm actually pretty certain that God WANTS me to have one. He just hasn't realized it. So, if you see one floating around with out a home. It's mine. Don't touch!
Ok, so I love to drive. I really do. I have always had a dream to drive something really REALLY a Ferrari on a windy twisty road. I didn't push my luck on this car since I know the owner pretty well, haha, but I certainly gunned it on the freeway like no one's biz! Did I go 50mph in only 2nd gear? Why yes, I did. Did I accelerate at a rate that was faster than I have EVER experienced behind the wheel leaving everyone behind? Why yes I did. Did I go probably way too fast on the freeway (I know, SO bad) just because the car could? Why yes I did. Did I partake in way TOO much pleasure today? WHY YES I DID and I loved it. There's nothing like a really fast car to get one going!
Anyways. It was fun. Thanks Bryce!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Saturday Went Something Like This...
Well, anyways. Yesterday Jason was supposed to go kayak fishing. His partner in crime was not able to make it and so I volunteered to kayak out with him and have him fish while I messed around. I have kayaked a couple of times on lakes and rivers before. I have NEVER kayaked on the ocean...especially where you start from the beach and have to make it out passed the waves. The wind was howling and I didn't even realize that I was being pushed way down shore. Anyways, it was a struggle but it was invigorating and definitely a challenge. I felt good, I felt like I made it pretty far. The waves started getting a little bigger and a little more frequent though. I knew that I would be fine as long as I kept the kayak pointed out toward the ocean. I figured the only way I would flip is if the kayak became parallel to the waves. Well, it didn't take long before the wind, tides, and waves pushed me side ways and of course at that moment a wave broke on top of me and down I went. I lasted about 10 minutesout there, haha. AND I lost a pair of sunglasses. I was struggling to tread and try to flip my kayak back over when I realized my feet grazed what felt like sand. Seriously? There's no way. I paddled so hard...I felt like I was pushing it to the limit...I can STAND UP?!? Yep. Sure enough. haha. Oh well. Anyways, Jason made the call that it was way to windy and rough to go out. Another day, another time. Hopefully tomorrow! :) I feel like I need to conquer it now!
Then I volunteered to go pier fishing with Jas later that night (I'm such a good wife!). Because it was windy and cold I decided that it would be a good idea to wear a beanie and my hobo gloves. Yup. We weren't 5 minutes into fishing when I realized that I had some how hooked my beanie. I looked up at Jason and said, "Um...a little help." He of course thought that this was hilarious. Especially the fact that I was trying to take the hook out with the beanie still on my head. Can we say dumb blonde? Yes we can. So, he helped me out of the dilemma and we kept on fishing. It wasn't 5 MORE minutes when I realized that this time I had hooked both my sweatshirt AND my glove. The glove was hooked so badly that I had to quit because we needed to cut the barb off of the hook to get the glove off. So, I walked back to the car sheepishly...with my glove hanging from my pole. Jason pretty much laughed all the way to the car. You know, I can hold my weight in a lot of outdoor activities but I'm thinking fishing isn't one of them. haha. So, needless to say, I was a poor replacement for his normal fishing buddy. Oh well, I tried.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
I actually STINKIN' did it!
Also, my absolute favorite part of this is the laundry in the background. The hamper gets more and more full, then the clothes pile moves to the floor, then it disappears. Oh, and in case you're thinking that I'm a "dressing overachiever" I work in an office M-F. Thus, I need to look somewhat nice. Except for Friday which is the best day ever invented...JEAN DAY! OH...and one more thing. Yes, I am standing on a step stool to get my shots everyday. Yep, that's dedication. And enough jabber, here you go...

Striped Shirt: Gap
Jeans: Old Navy
Awesomly Awesome Dansko Clogs: REI
Ugly Old Jeans: Old Navy
Shirt: Target
Toms Shoes: Boutique Downtown
SUNDAYUndershirt Tank and Yellow Sweater Thingy: Forever 21
Jeans: Old Navy
Sandals: Target

White Shirt: Forever 21
Black Skirt: Forever 21
Red Shoes that I wore as my wedding shoes: Payless
Turquoise Shirt: Forever 21
White Capris: Express
Most Comfy Ever Moccasins (and like 7 years old): Boutique Downtown
White Shirt: Old Navy
Khaki Skirt that is really in my opinion ugly and frumpy and yet I wear it anyways: Gap
Black Sweater: Boutique Downtown
Shoes: Target
Monday, May 3, 2010
My Menu Could be Your Menu.... :)

You can find the recipe here.