Last night around 5:30 or so my co-worker went out back to throw away some trash. We park our cars behind our office building and she noticed two guys next to my was bent over beneath it. She yelled out, "What are you doing?" and came and got me. Then I said, "Um? What are you doing near my car?" The guys were all, "We're just working on our car." They had their car hood open. It seemed weird and I told my co-worker to keep the back door open. I foolishly thought, "What could they want with our old truck, I'm sure it's fine. Maybe they dropped something under my truck." As soon as they realized that we saw them though...they took off. My co-worker said that she thought I should go check my car and turn it on. I looked around, the doors were still locked, everything looked alright. I then got into the car, turned it on...and wow, what a sound. They stole the catalytic converter. Apparently it has platinum in it and they can trade it in and get a whole whopping $50 or so for it.
So, after calling the cops, Jason, and my dad we made the decision that I would go ahead and drive the 20 miles home and my co-worker would follow me. The truck was so embarrassingly loud. It was like a ghetto rice rocket times 10. My ears were ringing. Of course to top it all off there was an accident on the freeway that made the whole trip stop and go. It took me an hour to get home and I drove primarily in 1st and 2nd gear...the loudest of them all. haha.
Today we had it fixed and $215 later we have a car that no longer sounds like it's on the verge of blowing up. Really sad though being that we don't exactly have a lot of flex money. :(. Oh well. 'Tis life.
So I made a Barbie cake. Well, a "Dollar Tree Barbie Equivalent" Cake. My co-worker's niece turned 4 today and she was going to spend about $100 on a Barbie Cake. (Apparently her niece went to the bakery with her and that was the one she picked out) I told her I could do it...for nothing :) It may not be quite so perfect as the store bought one but it would certainly be cheaper. It was my first go at significant piping. I made the light pink and white parts out of fondant (oh, and her hair tie haha) and the rest is good old butter cream. It was pretty fun...and VERY pink!

That cake is amazing! I am super impressed! It looks better than some of the professional cakes I have seen, and is definitely better than something I could have made my first time trying! have you ever seen You should check it out, it's hilarious!