Hola! Well, as you all know Anna turned the big 25 this Wednesday! I decorated the house, gave her a little gift, and we went out for ice cream, but the big B-day celebration with friends will be tomorrow. I will be sure to post pictures next week so you all can see Anna´s "Chilean Birthday".
On another note, my school celebrated it´s 41st anniversary this week so this whole week has been about celebrating birthdays. I was AMAZED at how big, loud, and important this event is....I learned that it is a common thing in Chile to celebrate one´s school´s anniversary and the celebrations involve a lot of games (each class competing against the rest), food, and the coronation of a class king and queen. Believe me when I say that there is NOTHING like this (to my knowledge) in the U.S. schools!!

Ok, so Básica is made up of 1st grade - 8th grade. For every grade there are two or three classes (i.e. 2nd grade = 2A, 2B, and 2C). During the anniversary each class competed and had its own team color, chant, flag, and mascot!

Each class competed in several races, but they didn´t pit the little ones against the older ones. That wouldn´t be fair! So, here are some of the younger kids competing in a catapillar crawl race.

Of course Soccer was one of the games played and it was a very serious matter! Soccer, or Fútbol, is THE sport to play. You would be amazed at the skill these little guys have.
Well, this photo is out of order and I can´t seem to move it to the end...so it will just have to stay put. This was taken yesterday night (Friday) during the Coronation Ceremony. A King and Queen was chosen from Básica (Elementary School) and Media (High School).

Another game played of the big event day. Here the Orange team is competing against the White team...not sure the grades that each team was made up of.
The National Dance here in Chile is the Cueca. At the end of the day of events there was a dance competition. Each class had a couple that competed and some of them were very good!

La Cancha means "court" or "soccer field" and my school has two of them. This is just about a quarter of the students that were on the Cancha. I couldn´t really get a picture of all of them because there were so many.

I am sure it is hard to picture just what this one day was like just from the pictures that I posted. Let me just finish by saying that this one day of activities was nothing like I had ever experienced and made me wish that we did something like this in the U.S. It was so much fun and it is the number one thing that the kids look forward to ALL school year long!
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