Wednesday, August 26, 2009

"Smile! You´re a 1/4 of a Century Old!"

Well, this is what I woke up to this morning! HaHa. It was a sign that Jason had made and stuck to the front door. It´s been there to remind me of this fact all day today. Yes, yes, today is the big 2-5. This probably sounds very young to everyone older than 25 but I feel old. Oh well. I still have a few more years till 30. Once I hit´s all down hill from there! hehe. Ok, well maybe not.

Yes, Jason decorated the house, made coffee, and even created a "birthday girl placemat". It was complete with a place for my Bible and a place for my coffee mug. haha. What a good guy! I will try to post pics later.

We celebrated today by getting off from school and having a birthday icecream. There is a place here called Don Gelato. It has INcReDIbLe icecream. Ugh, it´s so good. It´s been pretty warm the last few days (is winter over? I hope so!) and so it was a wonderful treat. My favorite combo is chocolate and pistachio (you always get two flavors here, no matter the size you order). Today I went big and ordered a medium instead of a small and had it dipped in that yummy chocolate coating. Oh, it was heavenly!!!

Now we are going home and I´m making meatloaf, mashed potatoes, gravy, and peas. Well, I´m not making the peas...I´m opening the can. My mom makes mashed potato boats with peas and gravy and we pretty much all love it in the fam. So, I chose to have that! It´s a nice yummy, comfort food meal.

Anyways, here´s to being a 1/4 of a century old!!!! Whoopee!


  1. happy birthday!! (i just turned 30 on friday... oh yes, so OLD!)

  2. Well Anna it seems like just yesterday that you were seven years old. Wow how time flies. it is great to see the beautiful woman you have become. I don't feel old though. I guess it is because I still have a 5 year old and a 10 year old at home. Keeps me young.

    Glad that you had some fun on your birthday.

    Love you and miss you.


  3. Matt says "The cake was GOOD!!!"

    Luke says "Hi Anna, the frosting was the best part. Happy Birthday Anna!"

  4. Wait till you pass the half century mark. hehe Can't believe it, but we just had meatloaf and mashed potatoes. Forgot the peas. Glad you had fun becoming 25. Have a good school year, too.

  5. Happy Birthday!!! I totally forgot that you had the same birthday as me- I wonder if I really ever registered it was the same day?! You birthday sounds very special with Jason making it totally sweet- its those small sweet things that make life wonderful- I am a bit jelouse (not a bad way) that you have your darling at your side to hug and kiss on a special day.

  6. Happy Birthday Anna! Sorry I'm a day late. Hope your whole 25th year is just as good as the first day of it :-)
