Monday, April 11, 2011

OK I lied...

...but not on purpose.

You see, I was all ready to come out with it...almost done and then BAM. Broken needle. Seriously? Again? This is my 2nd one...and of course my last one. (Yes, there's a hint. It has to do with sewing). Literally had about 4 stitches left. ugh. Figures. Being it was 6pm on a Sunday night and there is no such thing as a "quick run" to anywhere in SF...I'll finish today and post tonight. Hopefully :)

So there ya go. 'Till tonight mis amores. <3


  1. I CAN'T. It's too thick, haha. And I suck at it. And I don't have a thimble...and yeah.

  2. Oh wait, ok, so it wasn't 4 stitches, I meant 4 short lines of stitches, haha. Yes, you're right 4 stitches is pathetic if I can't sew that by hand! :)
