10. Manjar! It´s basically Dulce de Leche and I have grown to LOVE it. I´m pretty sure that it´s not in the USA...though I may be able to make it.

9. The dry hills. I love the green but the hills are really stunning at sunset here. I will miss seeing the beautiful shadows!

8. Walking everywhere. This is a mixed basket becuase I don´t like having to walk with a ton of groceries in my hands. I do like how non-dependent though we are on a car. Everyone else walks too which is nice.
7. Being unique. Not SO sure about this one but it´s sometimes nice to have people be generally interested in you and your story. We are by no means "another face in the crowd" here. haha. There is a rather LARGE part of me though that looks forward to not being unique anymore. Being constantly stared at gets a little old sometimes.

6. Don Gelato icecream. I know. It´s a bit high on the list. But seriously...it´s really THAT amazing.

5. The daily challenges and oppurtunities that Jason and I have to grow and draw near to the Lord with. This has been a huge growing time for me...or so it feels to me. :)

4. Spanish! Seriously, it really bums me out to realize that I won´t be speaking in Spanish daily. All that work and effort from the last months could possibly be lost. I guess not lost forever if we return to a Spanish speaking country. But yeah...kinda sad.

3. My school and my students. I have had them for almost a whole school year and have grown very attached to so many of them. They are a constant joy and you wouldn´t believe how many times they have me cracking up in a day! They are so sweet and they will be greatly missed. I will also miss the other teachers who have helped to make me feel welcome, made me speak in Spanish, and have just made me laugh. It will be hard to say good bye on Thur.

2. The life in general that Jason and I have created here. Just the every day things. I will miss sitting at our table drinking coffee in the morning. The routes that we always walk. Going to our grocery store. Sometimes what makes life so great and nice aren´t the big, exciting things, but the everyday normalcies. Not sure if that makes sense!?
#1. THE PEOPLE. We will miss our co-teachers, our friends, the hospitality, and laughs we have had with friends. It will be so hard to leave and really, I can´t imagine doing it at this point! By far, the people in Chile have been the greatest part of being here!
You had such a great opportunity and it looks like you learned a lot and grew a lot. As for the Spanish, maybe you and your mom can keep it up together since she's been learning (at least I think she still is). It'll be good to see you once in awhile when we're up your way - at least I hope we get to see you. We lived in Montana for three years (and I didn't even want to go because it wasn't 'home') and I miss so many things there, too. We went back for the 50th anniversary of where I worked and it was so fun to see old friends after 25 years. Still remembered each other, picked up where we left off and just had a blast. You will do the same.