How are you guys doing? Well, I wanted to post about what Anna and I have been up to lately, but I forgot to upload our photos on our pen drive. So, after looking throught the photos that I do have I thought I would let you guys know our "current" cat situation. Well, as Anna and I told you guys before, we had a mamma street cat show up at our house near the end of August. She brought with her three tiny little kittens that were all half starved and one was very sick. Anna and I gave a little food to "Mamma cat" as we called her and the one kitten she had brought and after that they sort of adopted us. Well, since then Mamma cat died mysteriously (we suspect that she was poisoned by someone in the neighborhood...not uncommon here unfortunately), we gave Rocky away to a neighbor who wanted a kitten, Lucy disappeared around 3 weeks ago (could be she met the same fate as Mamma), and now we only have Toby. Toby is a taby cat who out of the bunch was SUPER skiddish and would trip over himself trying to get away from us if we tried to pet him. Well Anna, being the cat whisperer and all, broke Toby and now he BEGS to be petted. It is kind of funny to watch him arch his back when he wants to be petted and he will put up with anthing as long as you scatch his back and neck. For example, Anna and I made him a little harness so that he can go on walks :). Yeah, he didn´t like that and just kind of went limp while I "took him for a walk". He is a funny little cat and we are going to miss our kittens when we leave. In a way they have made Copiapó feel even more like home.
Well, nothing exciting today but that is all I got for now! I hope the gov. strike ends soon so that I can use the internet at the library and update you guys on Anna´s and my life here in Chile (oh, the gov strike is different than the teachers strike). Ok, gotta go! Hasta luego.
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