Hola Todos!
How are you all? Well, I thought I would update you guys on what Anna and I have been up to. The strike continues on and one of the dangers of too much time on your hands is going crazy! Here is proof that Anna and I are loosing our minds :).

Anna ate a grapefruit and after she was done said "hey we should make Tolby (our street cat) a helmet! So we did ;). Bad owners, bad.
Last Friday all the volunteers in the area went to "Kactus" which is an awesome Mexican Food place here in Copiapó.

Here, from left to right, are the volunteers Nick, Zack, and Paula. We all enjoyed hanging out all together since pretty soon we will be splitting up and traveling. It is sad to think we may never see some of the volunteers again.

The waitress thought that we would like to wear their Sombreros that they had around the restraunt as decoration. The favorite of course was the biggest one. Here is Anna trying it on.

Joe and I acting silly. We thought it would be funny for "big Joe" to wear the little hat and for "smaller Jason" to wear the big one. Maybe you just had to be there.

Now that the end is near we are getting even more invitations to eat out with friends. Last week we went over to José and Katy´s house (they are good friends of Lorena and David). They also got married not too long ago, are Christians, and love to travel. They are SUPER nice and we all had a great time.
Salchicón de Burro
Yeah, that´s right! We ate DONKEY MEAT!!! And it was good! I guess you can buy it in the "campo" or countryside and it is a traditional Chilean sausage.

The aroma of the donkey meat was strong, but it was actually delicious! I kept thinking of the donkey in Shrek :).

Anna made awards for the best student in each of her classes. She spent a lot of time making these cool awards and prizes. I´ll let her tell you about the ceremony she had for her kids.
*gagging* ok, ya'll need to stop with the food pictures!! donkey??! oh my word...i wonder, does chile have any type of food standards as we do here in the us? i mean, as to how food is handled, prepped, etc. I think i would be afraid to eat anything non-vegetarian over there! :)
ReplyDeletehahaha! Yes, Chile has the same food standards as the USA, or close at least...I mean our biggest supermarket here is owned by WalMart! haha. The beef in this country is SOOOO yummy! Really though, the supermarket is SO western and SO much like the USA that it's insane. Chile is very VERY developed. It's by far the richest country in South America and really is nothing like if you went to Bolivia or Peru.
ReplyDeleteOn that note, people here are very into artesenal things...meat, cheese, crafts and etc. It's cool becuase there is a lot of opportunity to actually make a living here...if you are a small business...unlike the US where most people opt for places like Wal Mart (myself included). I am a fan of the meat and cheese from the farm becuase these people make these things for a living...thus if it's bad and makes people sick then down goes the tube of their business...so we've yet to get sick. I also am more of a fan becuase it's as natural as it gets. There are no hormones, preservatives, and etc. We have had fresh goat cheese and all kinds of things! Love it all!...haha, well, almost!
But guess what you DO run the risk in eating...vegetables!!! haha. I guess they use a TON of pesticides here so technically you are supposed to dip them in a special solution. We aren't very good about that though and I have on more than one account eaten an apple with out washing it first! Oh well...if I grow an extra arm I know who to blame! haha