Thursday, October 20, 2011

Part 3: A Surf Trip

FIRST--If you are having trouble commenting (because I'm SURE there are like tons of you who are dying to comment but aren't able to.  No really, maybe you're having trouble with other blogs too...I know I am.  Anyways, I JUST found this comment from my mama that she left a couple of weeks ago.  Here's what she said...
Suzette said...
Wow my comment went through!!!! I haven't been able to comment on your blog for awhile. So I finally looked up Comments on the help page. It said to log out and then log in again, but not check the "stay logged in" box. Didn't think that would work, but it did. Yay!  
So, hope that's helpful ya'll.
Anyways, back to the story.
 We're doing the how J met A thing here.  If you missed Part 1 and Part 2 catch up you fool!  Just kidding, I love you, you're not a fool  :)

I had a great time hanging out with Jenny and went home that evening to prepare for surfing. I got my stuff together, pulled the car into the garage, threw my board on the rack, and loaded my car. While doing it though I couldn't shake the feeling that this may be more than just a casual hang out time. I tried to think back to Hume. Did I give him extra attention? Did he give ME extra attention? I don't know...the whole week was kind of a blur. I knew though that I had NO intentions in pursuing a relationship with anyone. So, I'd enjoy surfing. If I got a vibe that he was thinking more...I'd make it clear in my "Anna Way" that I was not interested. There. Settled.


The alarm went off bright and early. I jumped in my car and followed the directions to Jason's house (I agreed to pick him up since racks are so much easier with 2 boards). He comes out with two piping hot thermos mugs of coffee. As I see him walking I thought, "Ok, this better not be a way of trying to win me over...'cause I sure love me some coffee."  He gets in the car. I take a sip of the coffee and UGH. blak. I LOVE coffee...but I like it with about 1/2 a cup of cream and 1/2 a bag of sugar (ok, maybe not that much). It was nearly black and there was no way I could drink it. I didn't want to be rude though so I put it back into it's cup holder and drove on to our surf destination. Conversation happened...but rather slowly and probably with a TON of work on Jason's part. I was doing "yes, no" answers. Or, mmm hmm's. Nice. I wasn't going to be my normal bubbly self. Don't want to send the wrong message you know?

We arrived at the spot, pulled on our wetsuits and started surfing. After a bit in the water it became apparent to me. Wait a minute! He doesn't know HOW to surf (although he was annoyingly good for being a newbie). What the heck....oh crud. This is definitely not a "I need a buddy to surf with trip". This is a "I know Anna likes to surf so I will use it as an excuse to hang out with her trip." Ug. This is not good, not good at all.

I tried to ignore all these thoughts going through my head. I was in the ocean, I was on a board, it was a beautiful morning. "Shut your brain up and enjoy this Anna," I kept trying to tell myself. It really was a beautiful morning. The sun had just came up and the beach and water were blanketed in the most beautiful golden, red light. Fantastic. Eventually, I some how managed to ignore all the thoughts and feelings whirling in my brain and just SURF. I was thoroughly enjoying the fact that surfing was a rather independent sport and there was no reason to interact with one another when all of a sudden, there's Jason paddling up to me. He stops, looks straight at a way that I'm pretty sure I have never been looked at before until then and says, "I wish I had a camera right now because you look beautiful in this light.".



Would you like to repeat that? oh, wait. Please don't.

Who says that?

Who is that direct?

Apparently you are?

Now why did you have to go and ruin the morning?

All these thoughts were rolling through my head. I can't even remember my response. Did I just ignore him? Probably. Seems like that's what I would do.

Ok, surfing trip OVER. "I'm getting cold and the waves are getting lame. Let's go in." I declared.

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