Wednesday, October 26, 2011

What Makes me Feel Accomplished:

So, you know those things that you hate to do...and put off until the very last possible moment.  But when you DON'T procrastinate and actually do it as soon as the need arises you feel sooo good.  We all have that list of things.  Here are mine:

-filling the gas tank ("running on fumes" is a very familiar phrase.  Jason hates it and is convinced that a huge earthquake will hit and we'll have no gas to get out of town).
-fold AND put away all the laundry.  I have no problems with folding, it's the putting away part I don't like to do, as in putting it away as soon as it's out of the dryer...not after putting it into the hamper and letting it sit for a week making everything unfold since we're constantly digging through it looking for what we need. :)
-doing the dishes right after dinner (I feel VERY accomplished if I pull this off)
-preparing the crockpot before I go to work
-cleaning the house Sat. morning rather than Sun. night right before work :)
-Costco/Target runs--dislike.
-paying bills
-cleaning the shower/bleaching the shower curtain
-Premaking a meal for the freezer the weekend before
-Pulling money out of the ATM (I know I'm REALLY lazy).
-cleaning out the refrigerator
-cleaning the baseboards
-mopping (can you tell I don't like to clean)
-ironing my work clothes for the whole week (I've done it 3x's and I'm always so glad when I do)
-exercising on the weekend.  I will workout during the week no problem but the weekend?  Meh.
-giving Jason a haircut (don't get me started...he pretty much has to beg me to do it.  As SOON as we have more money I will gladly pay to have a barber do it.  When I'm done though I always feel so good that we saved a good $20).
-finishing any project that I've started within a week of starting it.  (Did I mention I procrastinate?)
-doing recall for the month at work (calling to remind pt's they are due)
-washing the truck
-blow drying my hair (I do this every day but I still feel accomplished each time :)
-OH, here's a good one...plucking my eyebrows.  I'm still waiting for the day when it's acceptable to have big bushy brows because I absolutely detest doing this.
-Painting my toes before the previous paint job looks like a french manicure
-Going to the post office
-shaving my legs (apparently I also have issues with maintaining myself...along with my house)
-buying new socks and underwear (really, why do we wait so long? :0)

Ok, that's all for now.  I'm glad I got that off my chest.  :)


  1. I have issues with quite a number of those as well. Like cleaning my house. And blow-drying my hair (not so much, now that my hair is short-short). And I hate refridgerater crapola.

  2. Umm... so now your blog let me comment - but not signed into MY email... I evidently am not allowed to have access, or so it says. Just Travis. Good to know.
