Thursday, October 6, 2011

(Here we Gooooo!) Part 1: Introductions

So, in case you didn't know, I'm not THAT girl. You know, the girl that every guy was gaga over in high school. The one that we were all slightly jealous of...but pretended like we weren't. So, because of this, I've had little "boy drama" in my life. I always did sports, had guy friends, enjoyed the company of guys...but as a whole avoided the mess and flurry of boys and the emotions that go with them...until the summer after my second year of college. Suddenly there were three, THREE guys. One ended up being out of the picture because he was moving, the other 2 sort of fizzled out (none were serious) and when I finally thought I was safe and that it was ALL over...Jason entered the picture, and not quietly might I add. Bold and Real and with no hidden intentions. Oh dear....

I was on the Grace Church bus counting heads, calling role, screaming my brains out trying to be heard over the gazzilion overly excited, sugar pumped kids who were about to spend a week at Hume Lake. I was the Summer Youth Intern and I too was excited for the week and what the Lord would be doing in these kids lives. There was a great group of staff that were coming as counselors (as always) and even some newbies. One I recognized. His name was Jason and I knew that he was the older brother of my friend Tyler who I hung out with in high school. On the way up my "girls" expressed to me how cuuuuuute they thought this new staff guy was. One was even doing the math to find out how many years apart they were from each other. Nice. I just laughed and enjoyed the ride to the mountains.

The trip went well, we all checked into our cabins, and settled in for the week. We had opening night and everyone was having a great time. I was enjoying my time with the girls in my cabin, the days went by, Hume was great. The Lord was moving.

Throughout the week I interacted with many different people...including joining in some pick-up games of soccer and ultimate frisbee with Jason and some of the other staff. During a free night I played some fusbol with my girls and Jason joined in. We ended up playing teams and it was Jason and I against my two Bible study girls. Apparently Jason and I were being antagonizing, and one girl prophetically declared..."You should get married! You're perfect for each other." I gave her dagger eyes. Apparently they were "sharp" enough that the crazy girl cried later on. Poor thing. (Oh, to be a young teenager and all emotion-ridden hormones). :-(

The week was coming to an end and Hume was kind enough to give us camp counselors a morning off from our kids. We all as staff were walking down to the coffee shop they had down the road to grab some much needed caffeine. As we were walking I saw Jason and called over to him and gave him an invite to join our group (gotta make the newbie staff feel welcome). We all enjoyed our independent time from the kids and chatted it up over cold blended sugar and caffeine filled drinks. The time ended, we met back up with our kids and finished the week. It was a great week, but it was now time to go home. (I was ready :).)

I felt like I met a lot of new people, new staff, news kids. I saw the Lord move in great ways. I saw kids commit themselves to the Lord and relationships with the Lord be renewed. What I didn't see though was that the Lord was moving in a different way. In a way that involved this new staff guy a way that involved me...

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