Thursday, October 13, 2011

Part 2: A Call

**We're doing the how J met A thing here.  If you missed Part I just scroll on down a bit and find it.**

Hume was in the past and one of my fabulous friends from high school, Jenny, was in town. We were hanging at her parent's house updating each other on all the happenings of the last year of college. I heard the phone ring in the background and her sister pick it up. Then she came over to me and said, "It's for you. It's JASON EVANGELISTA" she whisperd. I'm sorry, what? Why? What is he doing calling here? I'm so confused....ok. Weird. I take the phone, "uh, hello?" Sure enough there he was on the other end of the line. He talked about how he was sorry he was interrupting my time with Jenny but that he had called my house and they had said I was at Jenny's and since I didn't have a cell phone that I should just call her house (yes, I was one of THOSE people for a very long time, haha) and how he was afraid he wouldn't get a hold of me in time. blah blah blah. Ok. Point? Oh. There it is. "Do you want to go surfing with me tomorrow morning?" Hm. Ok. Sure! Clueless to any secondary motives I agreed and arranged the time. I hung up, not thinking much of it and when I looked up...two sets of eyes were staring at me. "What?!" I said. Jenny declares, "Uh, I think he liiiiiiiiikes you! Who tracks someone down to hang out?!" I stated something along the lines of, "We're just going surfing. I always surf with guys. It's no big deal."

You see, I love to surf. It's probably one of my favorite sports. It's not really a sport though that I do alone. I HAVE done it. It's, questionably safe. If you bonk your head mtn biking and pass out, you'll probably wake up on the trail bleeding but alive. If you bonk your head on your board and pass out in the're dead. Buddy surfing is a good idea if you ask me. Because of this I usually surf with my dad. I had one girlfriend in high school that I surfed with all the time which was BLISS. Then we did the college thing and lost touch. After that it was just guy friends...and my dad. So, the thought of surfing with a guy wasn't all that weird. Right? RIGHT? Hmmm.

I kept trying to tell myself this but, the truth was...I was having a little trouble believing it.


  1. Hahaha... TOTALLY do NOT remember any of this at all! So funny. And it's really sad how a lot of my memory is gone. Is this normal?? I do remember lots of other parts about your relationship, so that's good. :)

  2. REally? You don't remember this? See, this is totally vivid to me for some reason, haha. whatev. It's ok, I feel like I'm going brain dead and I don't even have any kids. So, feel free to loose your memory any day. :)
