Jason casually mentioned, "It's funny, I exercise, and you bake."
As I'm pumpin' out my cookies I say, "What?"
He replies, "Well, when I get stressed, I go ride or exercise. When you get stressed, you bake."
Never realized it. But it seems to be true. I guess it could be worse...I could throw things. I could scream and yell. Instead...I bake sweets. Hmmm. Seems like in 10 years or so (once my metabolism slows down) the exercising tendency would be a bit better for the figure. But who REALLY cares about what your figure looks like when there is a nice warm batch of cookies sitting on the counter? Not I and not you! Quit pretending! :)
So, now I want to know...WHY? Why do I do this? Maybe it's the control factor. When things seem out of control I CAN control something by baking. "That combined with this over here makes something yummy." Simple as that! It's certainly a subconscious thing whatever it is. Or maybe there's just something nice about turning the oven on and filling the house with yummy smells. The most likely reason though is really, who's NOT happier after eating their weight in cookie dough? I mean, not that I DID that. No, no sir!
As I'm pumpin' out my cookies I say, "What?"
He replies, "Well, when I get stressed, I go ride or exercise. When you get stressed, you bake."
After he said this I did a mental flashback of the last year of "most stressful moments". Yep. I baked during each time. In Chile. In the States. I baked when I had a stressful day. I baked today because I had a stressful day.
Never realized it. But it seems to be true. I guess it could be worse...I could throw things. I could scream and yell. Instead...I bake sweets. Hmmm. Seems like in 10 years or so (once my metabolism slows down) the exercising tendency would be a bit better for the figure. But who REALLY cares about what your figure looks like when there is a nice warm batch of cookies sitting on the counter? Not I and not you! Quit pretending! :)
So, now I want to know...WHY? Why do I do this? Maybe it's the control factor. When things seem out of control I CAN control something by baking. "That combined with this over here makes something yummy." Simple as that! It's certainly a subconscious thing whatever it is. Or maybe there's just something nice about turning the oven on and filling the house with yummy smells. The most likely reason though is really, who's NOT happier after eating their weight in cookie dough? I mean, not that I DID that. No, no sir!
lol, that is SO me, too! Do you have a favorite go-to stress baking recipe? If so, ya gotta share, girl! I don't but am always drooling over something the bakers at King Arther are trying out and brownies work in a time-pinch.