Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A Very "wordy" Blog post!

First off...does anybody know what twitter is? I keep hearing it but I have no idea what the point of it is or what it's for? I mean, I know it's online...haha, but that's about all.

And now...onward.

So, Jason and I have been back from Chile for about a month. The month has completely flown by and has left both of us wondering, "what exactly have we been doing with our time?" The conclusion...we have no clue. I guess in the hustle and bustle of all things festive we kind of just lost track of time. Not sure. Jason has a few deadlines creeping up for grad school. It's weird to think that in 6-8 months we will, Lord willing, be living somewhere else. It's funny that I wasn't really nervous to move to Chile but am a little nervous to live in another city within my own country? Maybe that goes along the same lines as being more nervous to return to the States than I was to go to Chile (yes, this is true). We really could be moving anywhere this summer...San Francisco, Los Angeles, Arizona, etc. I guess we will have to see.

So, a confession on my part is that I seem to search and recognize the hand of God so readily and often abroad. When I return to the USA...I get caught up, I get smothered, distracted, and tempted. I want so badly to change this. It drives me crazy about myself (it happens each time I return to the USA). It's wrong because God is just as active here as He is abroad. The fault lies in me and the distractions I place between Him and my every day life. bah. It's frustrating at times. Pure honesty is that since we have been back I have read the Bible about 6 a MONTH! That's embarrassing. While in Chile it wasn't abnormal for me to read 2-3 times a day (granted I love to read and that was the only book in English that I had! hehe). Anyways, that being said, I miss Chile. I also recognize though that the Lord has us here in the USA for a reason. I don't want to pine for something that is not realistic, but embrace the time here and live it fully. So, I guess that's my mission for now. Push aside the things that aren't that important and focus on Christ in my life, and what Christ can do in other people's lives.

On another note...not sure who knows about Ravi Zacharias but...he's a genius. He is probably part of the reason why I became a Philosophy major. Never really thought about it but I'd say he definitely contributed to the decision. Anyways, Ravi...yes, I call him he's an old friend...Ravi is a brilliant man and I have read...welllll...a lot of his books. Not all of them but most. haha. Anyways, this October he is speaking at Berkeley. I have never had a chance to hear him speak but have always wanted to. So, I've decided that if I can convince Jason to go to grad school in San Francisco than I could easily go hear him speak. What a plan huh? Very unselfish... :) Ok, maybe that's not the best reason to pick a grad school. oh well! It was worth a try.

Oh, and one more thing. all his vocabulary wisdom, (studying for the GRE has helped with this considerably :)) informed me today that the word for when your pupil becomes larger in your eyeball is "dilate." Seriously, I thought it was "dialate." I'm pretty sure that most people pronounce it like "dialate" and not "dilate". Hmmm. Just something to think about! ;)

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