Friday, January 1, 2010

I must say that I have been at a loss for "blog worthy content". I'm not sure what to write about. Hmmm.

Well, here's a little about what's been going on since we have been back:

-We have been looking for jobs (oh joy :) )

-We have been looking for a CHEAP house to rent...which we need to find jobs for first.

-Signing up for health insurance, car insurance, car registration, and etc....can we say BORING!?

-Jason (and I as a cheering fan on the sidelines) have been searching and applying for grad schools. Crazy! There are so many out there. How do you choose? We don't want to go insanely in debt but we want a good school. *sigh*. So many choices, so many options. Yet I know that the Lord knows EXACTLY what school Jas should go to. I take comfort in that...and yet still worry too much about which one he should go to. haha. oh well.

-We have been thoroughly enjoying exercise on the great Central Coast. I mean, I miss Chile but I definitely enjoy the great outdoors here and I am taking full advantage of all that I can before we have to leave!

-I have been drinking a lot of coffee. yup. Life's good! :)

-We have been thinking about rekindling some activities that we haven't done in a while (yeah, did I mention I love the outdoors here?) even before we left for Chile. Jason gave me some money for Christmas to go experience the new and improved SLO-OP climbing gym. I'm super excited about that (we quit for a while because I mangled my ankle and then right after Jason hurt his shoulder...then we got married). Jason also invested with some Christmas money in a pair of new surf booties! woohoo. I think surfing some St. Anne's may be in store for us (you need booties because one, there's a rock reef under you in the water. Two, you walk out on a rock jetty that has a lot of creepy sea creatures on it and then jump off the end into the sounds way more hardcore than it is, haha!)

And that's all for now. You have been officially updated on Jason and Anna's life as of now!

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